Coach-Net Top Ten RV Repairs for 2008
Leveling jacks and slideouts lead the Coach-Net Top Ten RV Repairs for 2008 list, which tallies the items that generated the most phone calls in 2008 for Coach-Net assistance regarding coach- and towable-related components.
“We are releasing this list to give RV owners a heads-up about the kind of things that RVers have found most troublesome or annoying, so they can pay extra attention to these areas,” said Patrick Cipres, RV technical service manager for Coach-Net. “These all involve components that RVers should make sure are in good working order before they hit the road, and which they should know how to handle and how to troubleshoot if necessary.”
Either leveling jacks or slideouts usually lead the top ten list, said Cipres. “Leveling jack concerns range from basic operation and power requirements to troubleshooting failures,” said Cipres. “The most common call on leveling jacks is retraction failure. Two options that we offer are a walk-through on how to manually retract or dispatching a mobile mechanic who will help get the jacks fully retracted. We will then locate a service center to have the concern diagnosed and repaired.”
Retraction failure is also the main problem people run into with slideouts, said Cipres. Coach-Net also fields a number of basic operational questions, including power requirements, for the slideouts.
Electrical 110v concerns, including shore power connections, appliance power requirements, and basic troubleshooting with such things as GFI testing and resetting procedures, were No. 3 on the list.
Here is the complete list of Coach-Net Top Ten RV Fixes for coaches and towables in 2008:
1. Leveling jacks
2. Slideout room
3. Electrical, 110v
4. Batteries
5. Electrical 12v
6. Plumbing — fresh water
7. Water heater
8. Exterior accessories
9. Generator
10. Furnace

Common issues with the rest of these components include knowing what appliances require 12v power; how to fill the fresh water tank and city water connection requirements; purging and filling the hot water heater; starting the generator; basic operation and power requirements for the furnace; re-attaching awnings undone by high winds while driving.
Coach-Net has also assembled a list of top chassis concerns, led by various engine problems including odd noises, maintenance needs, low power concerns, fluid leaks, turbo charger issues, and a vast range of minor and major failures. The top ten list for chassis.
1. Engine/exhaust
2. Brake systems
3. Chassis electrical
4. Wheels-tires
5. Transmission
6. Cooling system
7. Fuel system
8. Suspension
9. Gauges
10. Axle
Calls about the rest of these components most often involve operational failures, operational and maintenance questions, fluid leaks, and basic performance requirements and concerns.
About Coach-Net
Formed in 1987, Coach-Net is a provider of branded, 24/7 emergency roadside assistance, membership fulfillment and other travel-related services for various RV market segments and membership associations. Dedicated to meeting the demands of RV travelers throughout the United States and Canada, Coach-Net pioneered RV Tech Advantageâ, providing RV owners with the only membership offering access to a team of Recreation Vehicle Industry Association (RVIA) Certified Technicians. To learn more, contact Coach-Net at 877-801-0333 or visit
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